Raising Awareness in collaboration with the Church – Individual Member in Zimbabwe

Our individual member in Zimbabwe, Solomon Kupeta, has taken its awareness-raising campaign on substance use dependency to various Churches in his region, requesting their partnership in the fight against substance use dependency. They realised that some church members are struggling with dependency. Hence, they engaged with those affected whilst getting help from the Cleric to reach out to their members.

After having started with the campaign, they realised the need to establish support groups where church members, on advice/referral by their Clergy, can gather and share and support those trying to recover. The establishment and its endeavour is still at its initial stage but they hope that this will improve the lives of those that face substance use dependency. Besides this, they caused the formation of an intellectual resource group where the Christian Community engages with those in substance use dependency in their assemblies. They have received a pledge by the Clergy to help and support in the fight, not just against substance use dependency, but also crime. The effectiveness is yet to be measured or rated since they are still at their inception stage.

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