Abuse of drugs in Kenya has rapidly risen to unprecedented level and no part of the country is safe from the scourge. Drug abuse is linked to the rising crime rate, HIV/AIDS prevalence, school unrest, family dysfunction, poverty and other maladies in the country.

Recognizing ignorance, denial and greed as contributors to the prevalence of drug abuse, Nakuru Drop-in Center Community Based Organization, advocates for the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961 therefore conducts public awareness, offering free medical treatment, rehabilitation center referrals and integrating them back to their communities with an income generating project and extensive aftercare. The aim is to empower the youth and their custodians with information, eventually curbing drug abuse by youth while parents and guardians are sensitized about drug abuse in order for them to function as role models and adequately respond to the challenges posed by drug abuse, especially addiction within families and communities.

VISION: Being in the war against Addiction, Nakuru Drop-In Center's vision is to have communities free from Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drug Abuse. Until this is achieved the center will help as much as it can.

MISSION: Our mission is to be a stepping-stone for all Persons Who Use Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs into Sobriety while reducing their life burdens by providing a vibrant, all-inclusive, and accessible Human Rights Advocacy, Prevention, Intervention, Screening, Assessment, Treatment, Care, Palliative and Wellness Services in Mental Health.

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