Forum for Rural Income & Environmental Development Services Guarantee Limited is a nongovernmental organisation in Sri Lanka established in the year 2011 to uplift the living status of poor families. Livelihood development, women empowerment, promoting better environmental practices, and community mobilization are the main programme sectors the organisation works with.

FRIENDS works with over 100 villages in 7 districts targeting vulnerable families and paying additional attention to women’s economic empowerment. Lack of opportunities and poor access to economic resources are the major issues needed to be addressed in improving the status of women. FRIENDS focuses on economic empowerment by developing sustainable livelihood options which minimise the gender gap. Rapid commercialisation and materialistic pattern of living create more strain on the environment. FRIENDS create awareness and promote environment-friendly practices at

community and household levels.

FRIENDS also addresses the poverty-related other issues prevailing in rural communities such as the usage of alcohol & drugs, and poor access to services and information which affects development.

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