KEYNET – Commemorating IDADA 2021

KEYNET has commemorated IDADA 2021 successfully, despite the current COVID-19 containment measures. Under the UNODC theme ‘Share Facts on Drugs, Save Lives’, KEYNETs target group was teenagers in learning institutions, i.e. schools in the Western region.

The Goal/Problem statement was:

  1. Drugs and Alcohol Use among teenagers in Primary and Secondary schools to go down by 5%
  2. To reduce drugs and alcohol in primary and secondary schools in Western Kenya by 2%


  • Increase knowledge and create awareness to the pupils, students, and teachers on the dangers of drugs and alcohol use and abuse
  • Responsible parenting and Drugs and Alcohol use – 5%
  • Increase knowledge and create awareness to the parents on positive parenting and reduction of use of drugs and alcohol in the community.

Comprehensive strategies Used

For one week before the IDADA 2021, under our Smart Kenya Program a Primary Positive Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Abuse, KEYNET carried out sensitisation campaigns and educative talks in schools as an educational component on drug abuse, prevention, and its related dangers to teenagers in schools  and teachers 

They organised various activities. For example: sports, such as football to kick drugs out of schools, or tree planting as a symbol to mark the day. A debate among the students was held and dedicated to the topic: Use of Drugs and Alcohol in schools contributing to poor performances in exams. Besides this, flyers and printed materials on dangers of drugs were distributed. Lastly, experiences with recovered youth addicts, videos, and sensitisation forums were shared.

The shools that were reached out to were:

  1. Cardinal Otuga Girls High School in Bungoma County
  2. Koyonzo Boys High School in Matungu, Kakamega County
  3. Shinamwenyuli Mixed Secondary School, Butere, Kakamega County
  4. Muslim DEB Primary School, Mumias West, Kakamega County
  5. Emusunguri Primary School, Butere, Kakamega County

Learned Lessons

  • Many school-going teenagers are using drugs and alcohol both at home and school
  • The most commonly used drugs are Marijuana, Shash, Tobacco, Kuber, cocaine, Khat/Miraa, alcohol (all types)
  • Many teachers don’t know some of the drugs used by students/ Have no knowledge 
  • The data on the use of Drugs and Alcohol is scanty 
  • The selling of some the used drugs is a normal business in the community
  • The policy on ADA is weak and need to be reviewed
  • There very few actors promoting the prevention of ADA in the region

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