WFADs Intervention at the EUDA Consultation Meeting with Civil Society – October 22,2024

On October 22, WFAD was invited by the European Drug Agency (EUDA) to participate in their Consultation meeting with Civil Society. The Consultation was held as a result of their new mandate in which they aim to intensify cooperation and collaboration with Civil Society. The objective of the Consultation meeting was to explore ways to strengthen cooperation, share best practices, and promote mutual understanding between EUDA and civil society organizations to attain maximum efficiency in monitoring, assessing and responding to the drugs phenomenon’ (Article 5(7) of Regulation (EU) 2023/1322).

The Consultation was split in to a variety of panel discussions, each addressing a different topic, exploring best practices and suggestions for future collaboration. We were invited to speak on behalf of our members on the panel discussion on ‘Understanding the civil society organizations’ landscape – How to identify the collaboration path between CSOs and the EUDA’. Cressida de Witte represented WFAD and dedicated her intervention on ‘The Strength of CSOs in creating a comprehensive continuum of care framework and the value of systemic collaboration with EUDA’. She highlighted the strength of civil society being experts due to their work with the target groups and on the ground and that they should be consulted as such. She also emphasized that the field we work in is complex and hence needs representation from all different target groups and stakeholders – ensuring a balanced representation. It is essential that we look at the issue within the continuum of care, including prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery. She reiterated that we cannot work in isolation within our field nor can we work isolated from authorities. Civil society has been collaborating for many years, which has intensified and bore its fruits with the Global Position Paper on Recovery and the Declaration of Oviedo. However, we need the support of authorities to increase its impact.  Hence, their genuine involvement and engagement is essential. She also shared the quest with the EUDA to involve a balanced CSO representation in the establishment of their strategies, research, as well as monitoring and advised a direct contact person to be put in place at EUDA to bridge the gap.

We were thankful for the consultation and representing and sharing the voice of prevention, treatment, and recovery while we hope for the continuation of EUDAs effort to work more closely together with CSOs.

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